School meal service

On this page you will find links to a number of resources that may be useful for schools around school meals, nutrition, food education, and food growing.

Check back regularly for further updates and resources as our project grows!

Project short film- Food for Thought: The UK School Meals Service

Feel free to use our short film as a teaching resource!

Vittles Season 7: Food and Policy. Each essay in this season investigates how a single or set of policies intersects with eating, cooking and life. Please find below a blog post on school lunches over the last 120 years by Lexi Earl. In the season, there are further contributions by Thea Everett, Will Yates, Katie Randall and Laura Thomas on how policy has, and continues to affect eating and food education in British schools.

TastEd – Lesson plans

School Food Plan – Practical guides

CED – Food lesson plans

Department for Education – School food standards practical guide

British Nutrition Foundation – Healthy sustainable diets

Food: A fact of life

WWF – Food growing resources

LEAF Education

Countryside Classroom in Action